Free Custom Domain.

There are many people out there, just like me, who just love sharing their knowledge, writing or may be create an online presence. The more determined start with simple yet awesome YouTube videos but others go on with their blog and website.
And then some are like me, not wanting to spend any penny and do everything!

This post is for the latter ones. Having something like * or * is too irritating because of the length and second, the feeling of awesomeness diminishes to an extent.

But from now on you can give your sites a custom domain as desire. GeekSpecs has a new domain Do not forget to check that out.
By now, you might have got the point, I’m trying to make out. It’s free but not .com or .org. You’ll have to get some weird .endings.

If you manage a site like www.* or even a big google site, head on to FreeDomain. It works like a charm and gets you a custom web address.

If you host a blog, specially at WordPress, you might not be able to enjoy the former benefit, simply because WordPress doesn’t allow to do it. So there’s an alternative. It’s GeekSpecs too, uses that.

There are others too, but only for name sake or give a very big name in sub domain referral part. These are the best available out after the fall of my favourite, which had to be shutdown because it’s services were extensively used for spamming. So make sure you don’t destroy the other services.

The edge that .tk has over is you can manage DNS separately which isn’t anywhere in

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